Developing Accessibile Web Applications Popup Dialog Sample


Features Summary

The "Universal" model is used in this example, with Progressive Enhancement, where a single code-base is used for all the different browsers, with standard semantic HTML markup being used where possible. While Web Accessibility Initiative-Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) can improve the accessibility of page elements, accessibility is best provided by the browser handling the webpage elements natively.

For example, it's better to use an h1 element in HTML than to use the ARIA role attribute on a div element, and where native elements handle accessibility, it is not necessary to add ARIA attributes to page elements. With this approach, users of older browsers that don't support ARIA accessibility attributes (such as Internet Explorer 6 and 7) experience keyboard accessible pages, users of newer browsers experience an enhanced interface, and it isn't necessary to detect the browser in use when the page loads and branch to different sections of code for different browsers.

This example shows how a dynamically created page element (the Popup Dialog Box) is made to appear as required, and is positioned as needed in the DOM and on the page, using a combination of the native element's in-line style property (style="display:none;"), CSS parameters (for instance, in the "div.dialog" class ), and JavaScript such as the code used to set the " .. style.position=absolute;" property.


The HTML for the Popup Dialog contains two active elements, the button labeled Options that pops up the dialog box and the empty div container for the dialog box. The dialog box and its elements—two radio buttons, a submit button, and a cancel button—are inserted into the empty div container when the Options button is activated, and removed when the OK or Cancel button in the dialog box are activated. Pressing the Esc key also cancels the form submission, although it might need to be pressed two times if the screen reader intercepts Esc for its own use. See the JavaScript code section later in this document.

The Tab and Shift+Tab keys navigate the elements of the Options popup, and the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys are used to select an item in the radio button list.


Setting the tabindex attribute to 0 ("tabindex=0") on the popup dialog box's div element puts the div (which would not normally be tabbed to) into the tab order of the web page in the place in which it was declared. The actual position is set by giving values to the CSS parameters with JavaScript—for instance, style.position="absolute". In this example, the Popup Dialog box div tab order placement follows the Options button. If the Tab key is pressed with the focus on the Cancel button, focus shifts to the first item in the tab order—the browser address field.
  <div class="header1">
    <div class="header2"></div>
  <div class="content">
      <img alt="msdn" height="32" width="120" align="right" src="../msdn.png">
      <div><span>Developing Accessibile Web Applications</span> Popup Dialog Sample</div>
      <button id="optButton" aria-owns="dlg_options" aria-haspopup="true" 
      <div role="dialog" class="dialog" id="dlg_options" style="display:none;" 
        onkeypress="onPopupKeypress(event,;" tabindex="0"></div>


The JavaScript used is shown below, with the popup dialog box code laid out in separate lines for each HTML element, for clarity.

Note that manipulating the DOM with the appendChild method and its associated commands is not W3C standards-compliant in Internet Explorer 6 and 7, so adding HTML code to an empty div element allows a single code-base to be cross-browser compatible. Also, the Popup Dialog box position on the page and in the DOM is set with JavaScript when the popup occurs, but can be set in the HTML of the container div.

  <script type="text/javascript">

  function harmonizeEvent(evt)                          //  This function harmonizes the event
  {                                                     //  handling code for Internet
    if (!                                    //  Explorer and the other browsers
    { = evt.srcElement;
	    if (evt.type == 'mouseover')
		    evt.relatedTarget = evt.fromElement;
      else if (evt.type == 'mouseout')
        evt.relatedTarget = evt.toElement;
	    evt.preventDefault = function() { this.returnValue = false; }
      evt.stopPropagation = function() { this.cancelBubble = true; } 

  function setFocus() 

  function togglePopup(evt,show,dlgID)												  
    var src =;
    if (evt.type == "click")
      evt.returnValue = false;

    var dlg = document.getElementById(dlgID); = "2px solid gray";

    if (show == true)                                                         //  This section of JavaScript
    {                                                                         //  places the HTML form markup in
      dlg.innerHTML = "<h3>Options</h3>"+                                     //  the innerHTML of the empty
        "<form onreset=togglePopup(event,false,'dlg_options');>"+             //  <div> container to "pop-up"
        "<fieldset><legend>Sort Order</legend>"+                              //  the Dialog Box when the
        "<input type='radio' name='order' id='order_alpha' value='alpha'>"+   //  "Options" button is activated
        "<label for='order_alpha'>Alphabetical</label>"+
        "<input type='radio' name='order' id='order_default' value='default' checked='true'>"+
        "<label for='order_default'>Default</label>"+
        "<div class='buttons'>"+
        "<input role='button' id='okButton' type='submit' value='OK'>"+
        "<input role='button' type='reset' value='Cancel' onclick='setFocus()'>"+ // This focus() instruction sets the
        "</div>"+                                                                 // focus to the Dialog Box "OK" button
        "</form>";                                                                // on activating the "Options" button
    else if (show == false)
      dlg.innerHTML = "";                       //  Here, the HTML form code is = 0;                     //  removed from the <div>
    }                                           //  container, "hiding" the popup
    if (dlg.innerHTML != "")
    { = "absolute";        //  If the Dialog Box is popped up, = "185px";                //  set its position in the page / DOM = ((document.documentElement.offsetWidth - dlg.offsetWidth) / 2) + "px";

  function onPopupKeypress(evt,dlgID)           //  The code here enables the Esc
  {                                             //  key to Cancel form submission,
    harmonizeEvent(evt);                        //  "hide" the popup, and set focus
    if (evt.keyCode == 27)                      //  back to the "Options" button



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